
Archive for the ‘Office’ Category

The following are some ideas on keeping a tidy office

  • Make sure your notes are kept in one place so you aren’t looking around for random pieces of information later
  • Make your to do list on one master sheet
  • Prevent clutter and confusion – only keep out papers that you are going to use today
  • Keep a clean office. Either clean it yourself if it is a one man operation or hire an office cleaning company. We use ny office cleaning company, 123 Office Cleaning to keep us clean.
  • Wait to return all your calls in one shot instead of doing it sporadically. This keeps you efficient.
  • Do one thing at a time and don’t multitask. You’ll feel less overwhelmed and be more efficient.

Also, a clean office is an efficient office. check out office cleaning blog.

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Most companies don’t think of cleaning when they move out of their space. However, 123 office cleaning in long island new york tell us that its an important thing to consider.

When a company outgrows its space due to increased or decreased employment, it finds it must relocate. One thing that is often overlooked is the need to perform <i>office cleaning</i> before you move out of your own space.This important note must be remembered.  Why is this important?

First, you protect your security deposit when the space has been properly cleaned.  Your lease probably has provisions about returning the space in clean condition so doing office cleaning will make sure you adhere to it.

Second, your image is at stake. Word has an amazing way of travelling. Going the extra mile and cleaning the office will do wonders for your company’s reputation.

Third, the world brings back to you what you put out. Using karma as a reason might sound hokey but why test it? Doing a bit of simple office cleaning will leave your karma in good shape.

Relocating is a handful intself but add on the task of cleaning the office after everyone is out makes it even harder.Oftentimes, companies try to do it themselves but on D-Day, a million and one things are going on. Getting an outside professional office cleaning company to do the job might add a bit to the moving costs but it might be well worth it. The office cleaning company that you contract out will ensure that your old site is in top condition.

Office cleaning – outsourcing? Things to consider

When picking out the company to do the job, consider these ideas:

Look into the reputation of the company that you are consider hiring.  Does it have a positive reputation?  Were you referred to this company by a friend or colleague, or did you simply pick them out of a phone book?  Although this doesn’t mean they won’t do a good job, it is also important to hire a company that you can rely on, and has an established reputation.   By spending the time to do this research early, you will save your company a lot of time and hassle later on.

Rely on word of mouth from friends and family.

If you can’t find a friend or family member to give you a recommendation, then turn to the internet.  Check out websites of office cleaning companies  in the area such as the office cleaning directory, officecleaningusa.com.

Once you have found an office cleaning company that you want to use, the next step is to get a binding contract from them.  Work with the vendor to determine the price and what services will be included with that price.  The terms of the contract should be spelled out and be easily understood by all parties.  Have a list of all the services that the office cleaning vendor will provide in the contract.  This will allow you legal recourse if the cleaning company does not fulfill their end of the bargain and you can dissolve the contract.

Another source of good office management information is this Manhattan office cleaning blog entry on a similar topic.

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